clip recorded by connecting the mic to phone - you can hear 3 stuff happening ! 1.The following are clips regarding this issue and how i tried diffferent ways to fix it *not fixed yet* some says its working great for them, some say the same issue i have, idk what to do!does having different environment varies the quality of a mic or something? idk in many like all the hyperx quadcast review videos they had no issues with this bg issue on raw mic sound testing.
Apo equalizer interface Pc#
*note by bg stuff i do not mean the keyboard and stuff closer to my pc setup, i meant the noises from other rooms, people talking, dog barking, cat meowing like outside or far inside the house etc those little stuff can be heard in detail for some weird reason lol idk why. it is kinda far away from me, i also checked it by putting the mic near to my face. Till yesterday, it was on the desk, and now i mounted it on a mic stand! my new mic arm would arrive tmrw or by friday so im waiting for it. as rtx voice is shit(doesn't work sometimes as its unstable) so i tried to seek help from others on discord who knows bout audio and stream audio setups and and i told them my problem and they said, its most likely the mic's issue here! i tested the mic again using another pc, same result tested it again using my phone and same result, it picks up bg noises, like family talking or when i clapped my hands 5rooms afar from my pc setup where the mic is on the desk! so i was wondering, would this issue be fixable? or should i replace the mic or what should i do to prevent this ? i've tried to do noise profiles and other stuffs using equalizer apo and voicemeeter, but it ruins the audio quality. which are like stuff happening from 2-3 rooms afar. also i noticed that if i lower the mic vol ( sounds>recordings>hyperx quadcast) to 0 or 35, it still picks up the bg stuff like my family talking, dog barking etc. Hi, i just brought the hyperx quadcast and got it delivered yesterday and when setting it up, i found this issue where the mic picks up sounds from 2-3 rooms apart from my pc setup, *note - mic was set to the lowest gain, on cardioid.

To all who are reading this long post! im sorry my english is bad ! sorry in advance!